blog Archives - Page 3 of 6 - Pure Presentations

Create better business presentations
Create better business presentations
18th September

Create better business presentations

We all want to create better business presentations but it can be daunting to deviate from how you’ve been doing it for so long. (more…)
A to Z of presentations – L
A to Z of presentations – L
5th September

A to Z of presentations – L

Every month we will bring you hints, tips and inside know how on how you can be making the best of your presentation. This month we visit the letter L. (more…)
Top consultant tips for a better presentation
Top consultant tips for a better presentation
19th August

Top consultant tips for a better presentation

What’s your story? Whether you are pitching to clients or speaking at a conference, it’s critical that your presentation connects with, and engages your audience. (more…)
A to Z of Presentations – K
A to Z of Presentations – K
18th June

A to Z of Presentations – K

Each month we will bring you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, whilst ensuring you stand out from the crowd. This time it's K's turn (more…)
Using a professional presentation designer to make you a better presenter
Using a professional presentation designer to make you a better presenter
6th June

Using a professional presentation designer to make you a better presenter

When you look good you feel good, new haircut, new clothes, new presentation? (more…)
A to Z of Presentations – J
A to Z of Presentations – J
30th May

A to Z of Presentations – J

Each month we will bring you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, whilst ensuring you stand out from the crowd. (more…)
Save Time and Money with Great Tips and Tricks From the PowerPoint Experts!
Save Time and Money with Great Tips and Tricks From the PowerPoint Experts!
7th May

Save Time and Money with Great Tips and Tricks From the PowerPoint Experts!

Whether you love or hate using PowerPoint, knowing about and understanding its features will save you time and reduce frustration. (more…)
A to Z of Presentations – I
A to Z of Presentations – I
25th April

A to Z of Presentations – I

Each month we will bring you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, whilst ensuring you stand out from the crowd. (more…)
Presenting Better with a Professionally Designed Presentation
Presenting Better with a Professionally Designed Presentation
15th April

Presenting Better with a Professionally Designed Presentation

Are you bored of seeing the same old tired business presentations? Do you want to give your presentation a dash of wow factor that will ensure you keep your audience’s attention? (more…)
The Power of making your Sales Presentation Interactive
The Power of making your Sales Presentation Interactive
28th March

The Power of making your Sales Presentation Interactive

Any salesperson should have a sales pitch presentation in their armoury.  But every client and meeting is different so how do you make this presentation applicable to all your clients? (more…)
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