A to Z of presentations - A - Pure Presentations

A to Z of presentations – A
14th June

A to Z of presentations – A

Each month we’ll bring you some handy little tips for presenting and designing your presentations. This month we’ll start at the beginning it’s A.

Animation – even though PowerPoint supplies a huge variety of animations for you to use in your presentations, it doesn’t mean you should use all of them. Sticking with 2 or 3 subtle and smooth animations throughout your presentation will look much more professional and less cheesy. Remember your audience will read faster than you can speak. Use animation to help focus their attention.

Audience – your audience are key to your presentation, know who they are, know what motivates them; make the presentation relevant to them as individuals. What does this information mean to them personally?

Ask – ask questions, they don’t have to be directed at individuals but make your audience think, don’t just speak at them.


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