Is there an app for that? - Pure Presentations

Is there an app for that?
15th June

Is there an app for that?

Tablet presentations, things to consider

In these challenging times what business can afford to pass up any opportunity to connect with potential customers? The advent of tablet computer technology has undoubtedly opened the door to new presentation opportunities.

In the last few months we have designed an increasing number of presentations specifically aimed at tablet devices. The feedback we are getting is really positive. Tablet presentations tend to be much less formal more conversational affairs, often your audience will end up holding the device in their own hand. Closing business is far easier, the sales process feels more advisory and much less hard sell

But what do you need to think about before you jump in.

Really, there are two main things to consider when planning a tablet based presentation; creation and delivery.

How and what you plan to deliver your presentation, governs how you create it. Design has never been more important, tiny text and detailed diagrams just won’t be visible. Keep your messages simple and clear, memory hungry applications will quickly consume battery life and system resources, avoid them.

It’s a little known fact, not all presentation software is compatible with all devices. Will your presentation play on your weapon of choice? If, for example, you own a shiny new iPad but your presentation was created in Flash or PowerPoint then the answer is, probably not.

Our experience of both the current technology and the most successful design strategies will really help you, captivate your audience and increase your sales success.


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