Why hire a professional presentation designer? - Pure Presentations

Why hire a professional presentation designer?
11th April

Why hire a professional presentation designer?

Because you can’t afford not to.

Everyone can create a PowerPoint presentation, it’s not a complicated piece of software to master and with a few skills you can create some nice slides. But creating a comprehensive and captivating presentation requires skills that are just not included in the PowerPoint box.

Knowing how the main points fit together to form the whole story, making sure the right amount of information is on each slide. Making each slide compliment the speaker’s presentation style, learning what the key messages you need to the leave the audience with and how best to achieve this are all skills that do not involve learning PowerPoint.

You probably create presentations weekly that do not need a presentation designer to help create them. But there are key presentations that you will deliver in your career that will need a designer’s creative touch; they need to be cohesive, visually striking, uncomplicated, precise and informative. Our presentation designers will look at your presentation from the audience’s point of view; they will take your key messages and create a story that will be both intriguing and concise to capture the audience’s attention and hold it. They will create visuals that are engaging and emotive, simplifying diagrams and statistics in creative ways bringing the key information to life. All these skills will engage your audience’s attention allowing you deliver your messages with punch and conviction, knowing the audience is with you all the way.

We make sure your whole presentation is on-brand and is reflective of your company’s philosophy and attributes. Your presentation is an extension of you and your company. This is especially true when presenting at a conference. This is definitely a time when a presentation designer is worth the money.  Conferences are great opportunities to be recognized for you expertise and knowledge in your chosen field, having a presentation that doesn’t do you justice just isn’t worth the risk. Speaking at this type of event is the perfect chance to create a presentation that is tailored to your audience, and getting a designer involved will ensure you have a stunning presentation.

Creating a brand takes time and ensuring brand consistency is key within a large organisation, but sometimes brand identity can become misused and watered down.  For example if you have a large sales team using presentations as sales tools; it’s possible that each sales team member is using a different version of the presentation leading to off-brand graphics and no brand and message consistency across the board. We recently created a bespoke sales presentation for our client Overline.   Before we started the design process we wanted to understand how the presentation would be used as part of the sales process. We invited the top sales person to pitch to us, we analysed the process of delivery of the key sales information and used this to structure the presentation.

The end result was a flexible presentation that could be modified to suit the flow of the sales pitch. You can read the full case study here.

Specialist presentation designers create presentations that really work. Whether it is a pitch presentation, where you need to wow your client with your presentation skills to convince them of your ability to deliver and sell their product, or maybe it’s a training presentation, when you’re giving out vital information to improve your team’s performance. Unfortunately sometimes the fact that you know the content all too well means your presentation isn’t clear enough and the essential information gets lost. With time being short on everyone’s diary you can’t afford to waste the opportunity you get with bad presenting. You might not get another chance.

Hiring a presentation designer isn’t always necessary, but if your story and messages are crucial to your business’s success then it’s a consideration you shouldn’t discount. I recently read that a good reason to hire a design professional was that you could afford to, but a compelling reason to hire a design professional was that you couldn’t afford not to.

The benefits that a presentation designer will bring to your presentation are invaluable, you rarely get an audience ready to listen, make sure you’re giving them the best presentation you can.

Call Pure Presentations now to see how we can help you with your next key presentation.


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