A to Z of presentations - E - Pure Presentations

A to Z of presentations – E
4th January

A to Z of presentations – E

Each month we will bring you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, whilst ensuring you stand out from the crowd.

This month we’ve got the letter E.

Emotion – connect with your audience’s emotions. People may forget what you said during your presentation but not how you made them feel. Bring your presentation’s key messages down to an individual level, make people feel you are talking to them as individuals not as a whole company.

Enthusiasm & Energy – if you are enthusiastic about what you’re presenting then the audience will follow. Unfortunately people have seen a lot of presentations. You need to be full of energy about your topic and make the audience think this is really something to get enthusiastic about.

Effort – putting the effort into your presentation will pay dividends. The audience will be able to tell if you’ve really thought and worked at your presentation, your delivery will be so much better as you’ll know your slides so well and be able to flow through them with ease and confidence.


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