A to Z of Presentations – I - Pure Presentations

A to Z of Presentations – I
25th April

A to Z of Presentations – I

Each month we will bring you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, whilst ensuring you stand out from the crowd.

This month we’ve got the letter I.


Introduction – this is one of the most important parts of your presentation, it sets the tone for the whole speech.  Your introduction will captivate the audience for the duration and make them eager to hear your messages.

Images – the right image can intensify your message tenfold. Pictures are much more evocative and powerful than statements by themselves. Try using quirky images as well, ones that your audience wouldn’t have seen before, and that add a new twist to your slides.

Interest – keeping the audience’s attention is vital to making your presentation memorable. Think about how much information you’re telling them, are your main points being overshadowed by too much additional content? Make sure there is structure to your presentation, and think about alternative ways to communicate your points that will make an impact.


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