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Top 5 reasons why you should use illustrative elements in your designs:
Top 5 reasons why you should use illustrative elements in your designs:
27th February

Top 5 reasons why you should use illustrative elements in your designs:

1. Explain and demonstrate a point or add context to a piece of text This technique really helps a text heavy piece of design, it breaks up (more…)
A to Z of Presentations – H
A to Z of Presentations – H
24th January

A to Z of Presentations – H

Each month we will bring you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, whilst ensuring you stand out from the crowd. (more…)
Stop boring your audience!
Stop boring your audience!
8th January

Stop boring your audience!

The New Year's resolution you'll want to keep! Most business presentations send you to sleep. Fact! They are overloaded, over complicated and frequently over run. (more…)
New app on the block The Haiku Deck!
New app on the block The Haiku Deck!
4th December

New app on the block The Haiku Deck!

We spoke recently about the new look and updates to Prezi, and why using software like Prezi doesn’t negate the need to storyboard and structure your presentation correctly. (more…)
Prezi’s new facelift, but you still need to think before you type!
Prezi’s new facelift, but you still need to think before you type!
23rd November

Prezi’s new facelift, but you still need to think before you type!

Many of you will be familiar with Prezi. Since its launch in 2009 there has been a lot of talk about Prezi in the presentation community, many users like the dynamic non-linear style, (more…)
10 Things businesses can learn from London 2012.
10 Things businesses can learn from London 2012.
16th August

10 Things businesses can learn from London 2012.

With an estimated global audience of over 4.8 billion people the London 2012 Olympics can rightly claim to be the greatest show on earth. (more…)
Top 5 apps that you need for presenting on the go
Top 5 apps that you need for presenting on the go
13th August

Top 5 apps that you need for presenting on the go

Apps you need for presenting on the go. iPads and iPhones in the work environment are common place these days and meetings and conferences are no exception.  (more…)
A to Z of Presentations – G
A to Z of Presentations – G
13th August

A to Z of Presentations – G

Each month we will bring you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, whilst ensuring you stand out from the crowd. (more…)
It is easy being green…
It is easy being green…
11th April

It is easy being green…

As many of you will already know at Pure Presentations we pride ourselves on our green credentials.  Sure we do all the usual things most company’s do, (more…)
A to Z of presentations – F
A to Z of presentations – F
11th April

A to Z of presentations – F

Each month we will bring you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, whilst ensuring you stand out from the crowd. (more…)
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