A to Z of Presentations - Y - Pure Presentations

A to Z of Presentations – Y
21st May

A to Z of Presentations – Y

We’ve been bringing you you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, we’re nearing the end of the alphabet now and you might have though they get a bit more tricky but with presentations you can never have enough tip and tricks.

This time we’re onto the letter Y!

You – your presentation and how good it can be is down to one person, you. Take responsibility for it. If time is short or you’re not sure how to create your presentation, use professionals, they can see your presentation from a different perspective but ultimately you will be directing them.

Yoda –the only person who is allowed to talk in riddles, when presenting, it’s not a good idea. Make sure your audience are completely clear on what your messages are, if there is bad news to approach, do it with clarity and honesty, this will be much more appreciated and respected than if you try to avoid the issue and talk in riddles.

Yes – when asked to give a presentation, a lot of people wince and think no, don’t. Think Yes!  See it as an opportunity to show a different set of skills, to those you would use in your daily workload. By taking a more positive approach form the start you are sure to make a much better presentation.


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