A to Z of Presentations - V - Pure Presentations

A to Z of Presentations – V
3rd April

A to Z of Presentations – V

We’re letting you into some of our  hints, tips and advice to make sure you’re making the most of your presentation,

This time around we’re looking at the letter V!Videos – using videos in your presentation can be really beneficial if like the rest of your content they are relevant and thought provoking. A key thing to remember with video content is that it must be good quality, showing poor quality footage will cheapen your presentation and reflect badly on your hard work with the rest of your presentation.

Visual Props – sometimes presenters especially in groups can become side-tracked with the theatre of a presentation and not the clarity of messages for the audience to walk away with. Using props can work but must be well thought out and not used for laughs or as a crutch for the presenter to hide behind due to lack of confidence in the actual presentation.

Value – this encompasses pretty much everything we have mentioned in this series of blogs. Question the value to the audience of everything you say and show in your presentation. Your presentation is not for you it’s for your audience, make sure your content is valuable to them, what do they want to know, keep this at the forefront when creating your presentation.


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