A to Z of presentations - D - Pure Presentations

A to Z of presentations – D
13th October

A to Z of presentations – D

Each month we’ll bring you some handy little tips for presenting and designing your presentations. This month we’re moving on to D.

Design – think about the layout and design. Is it readable from the back of the room, does it make an impact, is it memorable, and does it do justice to your messages? But also think about the design of you presentation as a whole, does it flow correctly, does it have a beginning, middle and end?

Data – most presentations will contain some form of data and whilst the data is important, most audiences do not need to know every piece of it. Use the data to give an overview of your progress, simplify the data, and pull out key figures rather than every figure.

Debate –try to create within your presentation, talking points and discussions for your audience to reflect on once your presentation is finished. This way hopefully your messages and presentation will still be being discussed long after the conference/meeting.


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