A to Z of Presentations – Q - Pure Presentations

A to Z of Presentations – Q
9th January

A to Z of Presentations – Q

Each month we will bring you hints, tips and inside advice on how you can be making the most of your presentation, whilst ensuring you stand out from the crowd.

This time it’s Q’s turn.

Quality – the saying goes quality not quantity and this is very true for presentations. Think about your content from the audience’s perspective. You may like to know every detail about a situation but do the audience? Do they only need to know the main outcomes? The audience are not going to remember everything you will tell them so focus on the main 3 points you want them to walk away with.

Questions and answers – this is not about the audience asking you questions. I am talking about a way of structuring your presentation. By thinking about what questions your presentation is going to answer, you can give an objective to your presentation; this can also help you to understand if you have the right content. If you have content that doesn’t answer your questions, you should consider why it is included.

Quotations – using quotes in your presentation can be a great way to establish a theme or story for you to build around. As with any content you need to make it relevant to your audience. Just because it’s a good quote that you like doesn’t make it appropriate to use. Using a quote as a starting point for how you could do things in your company will add weight and real life application to your message.


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